Monique Dubbelman: Meet Gutenberg – the new publishing experience for WordPress

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April 17, 2018

With the release of WordPress 5.0, users will encounter a whole new publishing experience in WordPress. The classic editor that we’ve used for the past 14 years, will be replaced by something revolutionary: meet Gutenberg!

Will you see a big difference and will it affect your everyday workflows? The answer is yes! However, it is nothing to be afraid of. In this talk, you will find out what potential opportunities Gutenberg brings to WordPress in the near future.
In this talk, which includes a short live demo, you will learn a brief overview of the possibilities of the new editor, what it means for your current installed theme and plugins and how you can contribute.

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WordCamp Rotterdam 2018 17


Monique Dubbelman 7


Gutenberg 266


English 10534

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