Choosing a theme for your blog

32 responses on “Choosing a theme for your blog

  1. Margaret Week

    Oh yes… This where I spent a lot of time, and wouldn’t you know it, still wanted more options. I finally felt having my own photo in the header was very important — but that gave no options for fonts or placing information or the WordPress logo in the header. I really wanted a sort of dusty, straw sort of colored background, but that was not available for wanting to insert my chosen photo.

    The Ocean Mist theme I finally chose is nice, but sort of too formal. It allows for CSS, but I doubt if I’ll ever get that far — just too simple minded.

    And so, the indecision still remains, even though I’ve been blogging a couple weeks. I want to stay with WordPress themes that are really approved of because I’m afraid of running into a problem by choosing something not specifically on the WordPress list. It’s all a part of not knowing a whole lot. And I thank WordPress for everything they make available.


  2. forhack

    Very Simple with wordpress


  3. mick

    I am just setting up and find that the buttons illustrated here (‘available themes’… ‘show all themes’) are missing. Any clues? This does quite hinder progress

    cheers- Mick


    • Michael Pick

      Sounds like you might be running a self-hosted version of WordPress? The library of themes and ability to sort through them are features of On the bright side, you can download and install an infinite number of free themes for your self-hosted blog from the (linked) theme directory.


  4. CakTip

    I need new theme


  5. roksanaparvin

    How can I add themes from enternet


  6. mick

    Thanks for the info everyone.



  7. millison

    I guess I expected too much. I’m not a CSS whiz, love changing and customizing backgrounds with cut and paste stuff, as on Kind of confusing.


  8. itsdateknight

    I added a custom there, but the old default theme still remains. So now I have two images in my header. Does anyone know how to delete the default theme?


  9. lotuslyn2410

    Hi…I am using a “Freshy” theme and note that Meta widget showing meta functions especially the Log in/Log out, is at the bottom of my draft post. The comment box is directly below.I shall be having a total of 3 posts related to travel and would like to know if this is standard format for WP. There is only one sidebar.

    The appearance look too much like my dashboard with them. Are they necessary? If not how do I remove them.

    Am still new at this. Thank you,



  10. smiffy37

    I’m sorry to say I had a lot of trouble deciphering the voice-over – I’m partially deaf and a slower delivery of the instructions would have helped me I’m sure. Thank you


    • Ryan Markel

      Thanks for the feedback. If you do have trouble with the voiceovers or the speakers in our videos here, make sure you check the top of the video frame to see if subtitles are available in your language.


  11. econreconreport

    What about “install themes” feature?


  12. weawahyu

    What about “install themes” feature


  13. one poor woman

    One thing I’m not clear on is how to enable comments on blog pages to be on view up front at all times. I’ve just had a visit from a fellow blogger from another blogging place, and this person was confused as to what to do next. “Where do you post comments?” she asked me. I had to tell her by phone to look at the bottom of each page for the small greytoned letters reading “comments’ before she could proceed.

    As this is a puzzler for me, I’m thinking of changing out blogging sites altogether. This just seems so convoluted I doubt I can get commentary like I’d prefer.


    • Ryan Markel

      Almost all themes on and for self-hosted WordPress do not place comments on the main index page. There is a specific exception to this rule available, and that’s the P2 theme. You can search for P2 in the theme selector and give it a shot.


  14. glamiva

    I’ve just moved here to WordPress from blogger and I must say the theme isn’t a variety like blogger has. It’e either the need to have a web hosting or just pick the plain themes offered here. I think you should gather more themes. Nice ones please.


  15. lifeonroute1

    I am not the most technical person and I am finding Word Press hard to set up. I don’t want to endlessly read about what to do, I want a simple page that allows me to choose things like a theme quickly and easily. I still can’t f—–g figure it out! I have not found a place to just click and see my own page for set up. Just want to click and have it work. Wah, wah!


    • Michael Pick

      Head to the Appearance> Themes menu on the left. Click preview on any of the pictures you see there (you can switch between random or A-Z listings of all our themes). Now you’ll be able to see how your site would look with the theme you chose. If you like what you see, click “Activate”. Now this theme is working. Click the name of your blog (top left) any time you want to see your blog as visitors will see it. Hope that helps.


  16. ajijichcg

    Lots of themes to choose from. But I can’t seem to figure out which ones will enable me to have an “inline comments” section on the home page for user interaction. Then I just need to have 2 or 3 tabs for other info. or articles once a week. I don’t need fancy, actually the easier the better. I have lots of photos that I would like to use and know how to change that part. But, when I search for a theme using comments or inline comments, nothing comes up. I have tried a few themes and like the look of them, but they all seem to have the format to have a post and then have people comment on that post. I need just a running streem of people being able to chat on the “Home” page. The rest I will make work the best I can. Thanks for any help.


  17. melikeyuk

    I am not seeing show all available themes option – what I can see is random themes, A-Z and most popular. I see these options after selecting Appearance and then themes but I would like to be able to select colours and number of columns. What am I doing wrong?


    • Michael Pick

      A-Z shows all of the available themes, be sure to use the page buttons to navigate to more past the first screen. You should also be able to filter your options via the theme filter if you want to use specific criteria.


  18. ancientcatlover

    Thanks, this was helpful.


  19. MindMindful

    Very helpful! You folks at WordPress do much toward helping the blogging neophytes, such as myself. And I appreciate it!! Ta, love, Shala Blackburn


  20. Diane Uzunovska

    I am so glad I found this educational video about choosing a theme for my blog. It was very helpful and clearly explained the options available. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs help with selecting a theme for their blog/s. Good Luck!


  21. Alan Cooper

    WordPress sounds easy to work with, and appears to have a lot of options. I may just have to start using it.


  22. clay2x

    cool 🙂 thanks man


  23. nadirinaismail

    Anybody can assist me. I’m in the midst of creating my blog using wordpress. How to insert wordpress themes from other link / source?


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January 13, 2009 has a lot of themes to choose from – if you have a hard time deciding on which one would work best for you, this video will talk you though the options and make sense of them

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