Getting Started With Google Analytics

71 responses on “Getting Started With Google Analytics

  1. Randy

    Great tutorial – the footer.php bit was what I really needed to know. Thanks!


  2. sunsunich

    i wasn’t able to follow the tutorial 😦

    is it only for paid accounts?


    • Michael Pick

      Google Analytics can only be used on a self-hosted blog, rather than a hosted account. users have our built-in stats, though


      • sunsunich

        thanks for help. guess wordpress stats will do for me.
        the video is swell both graphic and informative-wise


        • Michael Pick

          Thank you! stats are pretty handy for most of us – it’s the fifth most popular plugin for self-hosted WordPress blogs, in addition to being on every .com blog


        • Tiffany

          Michael, your comment here makes me feel like I must not fully understand the stat program. I havent’ been able to find a way to track time on site based on referring domain, paths within the site or many other pieces of critical information–basically, all I see is X number of people went to Y page and Z number of people came from A domain. There doesn’t even seem to be a way to tie them together (that is, to know which pages were visited from which domains). Your comment about the popularity of this system has me hopeful that I just don’t know how to use it, since so many free stats programs offer those basics.


      • Moabite

        Let me understand it 100%… I have a free wordpress blog. This means that I can not add any plugins to my blog?


  3. Diego Soares

    Nice tutorial, now I can manage Analytics x WordPress together…


  4. Ted

    Wow! Great video. How did you do the graphics, Michael?!


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks, Ted. The graphical stuff was put together in After Effects mainly, with a goodly dash of inspiration from 50s classic modern.


  5. Jakub

    This is easy thing but it’s great tutorial for Beginners.


  6. Jason Pelker, Item-9 Consulting

    Amazing video! Way better than I expected! BTW, I recommend the Google Analyticator plugin.


  7. mason

    This tute was painful to watch. You could cut the first minute and get a better video. Other than that, you could pretty much have conveyed this entire tute with three screenshots and a paragraph of text. Also, the tute is not valid for some non-default themes. (I.E., the place to insert the script is different).


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks for the feedback. We’d welcome any alternate versions dealing with the same procedure – the focus here is on a beginners introduction/overview. However, a briefer video might make a nice addition. We accept video submissions directly via the contact form at the top of this page if that’s of interest


  8. Arpit Shah



  9. Jean

    Thanks very much. I too wanted to know about the footer part.
    What is the advantage of using a plug in?

    I guess it is that if you change theme the analytics code will move, too, but if you do it manually, it will have to be re-instated.

    Is this right?

    Many thanks


    • Michael Pick

      Yes, that’s one reason you might prefer to use a plugin. Different plugins will offer you different features and advantages. It’s worth giving a few a try to see what works best for you – the star ratings are also a good indication of what other users found most useful


  10. Evgeni Stavinov

    Why the video on Google Analytics doesn’t load in Google Chrome browser.
    Anybody else has this issue ?



  11. SEO India

    This is great idea starting with google analytics.Because we should know about how many visitors visited to our site.


  12. Mehul Khatiwala

    Hey Michael thanks for this video. That will helpful to me a lot. Thanks again!


  13. Quentin

    Nice tutorial and really appreciated the footer bit as I was putting it in the index or pages part.


  14. Rachel

    Hi there. Your video is so great, step-by-step is awesome! But when I tried to paste the google analytics into the footer plug-in, it says “you need to make this file writable before you can save your changes. See the Codex for more information.” What do I do? Thank you!


  15. Amar

    Thanks, this was very helpful and easy on the eyes! Cheers!


  16. mariasx

    How Ted sayd, the video graphics are really great. But how did You do the Zoom in function? I really wonder how to enhance my tutorials with that function. Thanx for answer


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks. Zooming can be achieved in most screencasting and post production applications (Screenflow, Camtasia etc. for screencasting), Final Cut, After Effects, Premiere etc for post-production. In this case I use After Effects for animation and Final Cut (via Screenflow) for the screencasting parts


  17. Gail

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I had been struggling with this task. It’s done and now I just have to wait for it to show up. I’ve used Analytics on html sites of mine, but never on a Blog so the video was extremely helpful and exactly what I needed.


  18. Edward Palomo

    Nice video tutorial over here!


  19. MySportsCouch

    Need some help. When I click on Appearance, there is no Editor Option under “Appearance”. There is Edit CSS, which looks a lot different and I do not see any of the theme files on the right so I do not see the footer.php.


    • Michael Pick

      Are you running a blog on your own server or using doesn’t include the ability to edit the PHP code of themes (which you need to do to add javascript), just the CSS design they’re “wrapped” in. This is for security reasons.


  20. Francesca

    Thanks for the Video!!! Just getting our blog started (launching in the next day or two); and I had another question: What app/program are you using to capture the video of your screen like that? It is awesome the way you can zoom in and out etc. — Is that captured on the fly or are you adding zooms when editing? Thanks again for the helpful post; I was debating plugin vs. manual and didn’t know if I needed to constantly keep adding the Google code to new posts etc. — the footer is great!


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks! I use a combination of Screenflow (to capture the screen with), Final Cut Pro (editing, zooms, pans etc. – but these can be done with Screenflow), After Effects for graphics/animated elements and Soundtrack Pro/Ableton Live for audio. Hope that helps!


  21. Dmitry Chebakov

    Big thanks for this great tutorial! Could you tell what music plays during the video, please?


    • Michael Pick

      Thank you! The music is royalty free stock from session musicians that I’ve pieced together rather than the work of a particular band or artist.


  22. julia ashley

    Simple, step-be-step;
    It was exactly what I needed.
    Thank you!


  23. Todd Smith

    This was a very cool video production. Very well done and it helped through loading GA successfully.

    Thanks for putting the time in!


  24. nicolas

    What if I dont have a footer.php, on what file should i place code



  25. blog news

    great video


  26. Jane Peters

    Thank you Michael. Is there a way I can subscribe to your tutorials. They save me so much time.


  27. H.KILIC

    Thanks for tutorial. Good job Michael…


  28. Patrik Nemes

    great tutorial…. thank you.


  29. mpcahn

    That was, really solid. Thank you.


  30. Eric

    All I wanted was to know how to install Google Analytics script. Got the answer in a flash. No hunting around a blog for an instruction. Just a simple show and tell. Great! Thank you.


  31. paul

    My wordpress page doesn’t have an “editor” option NOR a “plug-in” option! What gives??? This is driving me crazy. They just are not on my dashboard. I want to use analytics!


  32. provenprospects

    Good show mate 🙂 j/k I’m just a yank, but I loved the video, keep up the great work, would love to have tutorials as slick as this for my own site!


  33. Paul

    Good job. Keep it up. This tutorial is better than the one on Youtube where I could NOT see where the code is added. Your instruction is very helpful. Thank you, Michael.


  34. Bayley

    Mate, at last!
    An entertaining and well put together tutorial video for WordPress.
    After months of wading through dry, unimaginative and, quite frankly, infuriatingly tedious videos I can do naught but applaud this video.
    This is a far cry from the usual staple of straight-up filmed screens with a whiney voiceover.
    Also, very informative in a helpfully direct manner.

    Nicely done.


  35. Jan


    If you have several blogs with WP can you track them with just one account? or do you need to open different accounts with Google to do so?


  36. Jan

    Thank you for this great video. You made my day : )


  37. Jan

    Thank you Ryan


  38. terrydarc

    I only understood this was a .org plugin after reading the comments even though I know that .org and .com are very different animals. Maybe it’d be clear if I went back through the video and listened more carefully.


  39. Gregg

    That’s a great video presentation. Though it takes a while to load, the video is worth lot more ! Thanks for sharing !


  40. GCHE

    I spent alot of time trying to do this previously and this video saved my bacon.

    In the footer.php? Geeze, no wonder I was so frustrated trying to get this ‘simple’ thing done!

    Rock on guys!


  41. bedfordtowntaxi

    Excellent video…very clear and easy to follow…and even fun. Thanks.


  42. Rick

    Great video, really well produced. What do you use?


  43. podbuzz

    What if my theme does not have that section in the footer.php? then where in footer.php should I copy my code to?


    • Ryan Markel

      Theoretically, the GA code can go anywhere as long as it loads, but it’s best to have it as close to the end of the page as possible so it won’t interfere with loading the page.


  44. denisrenepl

    EVERYTHING ON WORDPRESS is different. I can not follow this steps. WordPress has a whole new web page.
    Please make a new video!


  45. Szallás Siófok

    Great THX!!


  46. Mike

    Ok, i learned some Google Analytics things here, thank you


  47. ffranks01

    I think this is the best google tool on the market.. It saves me a lot of marketing $$ when you know how to use it a the proper way!!


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May 29, 2009

Google Analytics makes it easy for you to track and keep tabs on the who, what, when, where, how and why of your blog’s readers. This 4.5 minute video talks you through setting up Analytics for your self-installed WordPress blog. users will not to be able to follow along.

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