WordPress.com – Adding Your Twitter Updates to Your Sidebar

34 responses on “WordPress.com – Adding Your Twitter Updates to Your Sidebar

  1. firepower76

    Nice tutorial. Very simple and easy to understand 🙂


  2. homeion

    Thanks. Liked this and was looking for one.
    PS: I had to install the widget first. Just to let you know.


  3. Chris Edwards

    Can we have this widget/plugin available to the open source portion of the WordPress community?


  4. Jeff@Code Research Center

    I am researching the possibility of transferring my websites to WordPress it will take a lot of work but adding widgets will be a lot easier. I haven’t started using twitter yet but I’m glad to see a well done tutorial on adding it.


  5. Ulysses

    Very nice. Easy tutorial. I hope to see it as either a plugin or a default feature in the next installment of WordPress.


  6. askars

    What is the minimum version of WordPress you need to do it this way?


  7. D w/ dsbooksnmore

    Great tutorial! Simply put and easy to follow. Love it!


  8. jing

    Please make this Twitter add on my site…I can not wait for it, xoxoxo excited.


  9. Liz Martin

    I really like this tutorial, and the whole idea behind WordPress TV actually! One question though. What is the exact name of the Twitter plugin/widget you used. There is not a plugin built in to my version of WordPress.


  10. Paul Gray

    Looks great, looking forward to a wordpress.org version.


  11. juanitadepaola

    You are great man.


  12. tyson clarke

    How do I get the widget to appear in the widget menu? I’ve downloaded a twitter plugin and it isn’t showing up…love the vids by the way, great for newbies like me


  13. Jeff

    I’ve been having good luck with the Twitter for WordPress plugin available here: http://rick.jinlabs.com/code/twitter/


  14. barbfmc

    There isn’t a built in Twitter widget.


  15. mark

    This is not a widget in my wordpress either so this video doesnt help. Would be nice to know if this is a plugin or if Im missing something within wordpress.


  16. B.Quain

    How do you change the font color on this in the edit…thanks



    • Ryan Markel

      Using self-hosted WordPress, you can do some sleuthing to find the classes used in the widget’s output and alter your CSS file to change the colors.

      If you’re using WordPress.com, you can do the same, but you’ll need a Custom CSS upgrade for your blog.


  17. Mike

    The Twitter widget does not show up on my widget page, is there any reason why this is happening?


  18. jing

    Yes please anyone could teach us now how to put twitter on my side bar there is no Twitter plugin/widget that we might used.


  19. Ryan Markel

    Since I’m seeing a lot of comments asking where the widget is located or that you can’t find it, I just want to remind everyone that the tutorial above references a feature that is standard to WordPress.com blogs.

    To use it on a self-hosted WordPress blog, you’ll have to (as explained above) install the Wickett Twitter Widget, which has been kindly provided for self-hosted blogs.

    Alvin (see above) gets points for answering everyone’s question before I did.


  20. Michael Pick
  21. alfon

    i use twitter and don’t know how to switch it to wordpress.. bye watching this video now i know to switch it..

    very usefull thanks 🙂


  22. paroksismo

    How do I Twitter my Flickr photos?


  23. Jacob's Wolf Babe

    How you put a wiget from twitter on to the side bar?


    • Ryan Markel

      There’s no way to include the Twitter default widget on WordPress.com right now; the method outlined in the video is the provided way to include your Twitter feed in your sidebar.


  24. tweet adder discount

    Twitter is not simply status updates! Twitter is a place where you can market your brand or yourself in way to captivate and socially interact with your followers. Twitter, in essence, is really about building online relationships with your followers. 


  25. sonjalovas

    Thank you!


  26. astrid

    how to change user? i have the widget but was configure with the wordpress twitter..how can i change it to my twitter?


  27. Antone Dockstader

    If you want to display your followers without entering your password, try the Twitter Follower Widget


  28. Sejal

    I have followed all instruction this does not work any ideas


Continue the discussion


July 22, 2009

This video walks you through a quick way to add your latest Twitter tweets to the sidebar of your blog, via the built in Twitter Widget. For self-hosted blogs, check out this video

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