Will Norris: How NOT to Build a WordPress Plugin

8 responses on “Will Norris: How NOT to Build a WordPress Plugin

  1. Jared Ritchey

    Exceptional Video for sure, I’ll be working on editing all my plugins now to bring them up to spec.


  2. Will Norris

    A couple of times during this presentation I mentioned Andrew Ozz, who is a core WordPress developer. The site and post I was actually referring to is by Ozh Richard, not Andrew. Guess I’ve been confusing those guys for a long time. Sorry about that Ozh.


  3. latz

    Thanks for this presentation, some really good ideas which will definitely be implemented in my code.


  4. webmaestro

    Nice discussions. Thanks!

    Any chance we can get a link to the actual presentation (s3 would be great!). I found the video stream frequently blurs out the slides at critical points (or shows That Guy(tm) instead of the slides…). D’oh! That Search Engine(tm) found it for me:

    Thanks again!


  5. gavin

    a really good video, very useful… is a shame about the slide blurs tho…

    thanks webmaestro for posting a link to the slides


  6. Ciprian

    Really, really good presentation and tutorial.. you should do more speeches! great information.


  7. Marthah Hellyer

    Thanks for the tip about the plugins url function. I had no idea that existed!

    I normally define a new constant at the beginning of my file with the folder path and url and use that. But if there’s a built in function I guess I should be using that instead!


  8. Will Norris

Continue the discussion


September 20, 2009

Will Norris talks about some of the common pitfalls and mistakes made when constructing plugins, including security and usability concerns and how to efficiently and cleanly create your code. Includes code examples of both what to do and what not to do.

Video production by Joe Christensen of Blaze Streaming Media.

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WordCamp Portland 2009 12


Will Norris 2


hooks 36
Plugins 345
Security 302


English 10545

MP4: Low, Med, Original
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