K. Adam White: WordPress in Weird Places: Content Management for Node Using REST

5 responses on “K. Adam White: WordPress in Weird Places: Content Management for Node Using REST

  1. K.Adam
  2. Bartek Puchowski

    Reinventing wheel -ModX does all that for like last 5 years


  3. w00tw00t111

    @kadamwhite , thank you for the talk. Even though it is old still very helpful and has helped confirm our team’s decision on using WP as CMS and Laravel strictly as the Control/View layer.
    In the recent updates to API V2 do you see user management / authentication being possible strictly on the WP side or still needing to handle it natively in node (for your stack)?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. w00tw00t111

    @kadamwhite , thank you for the talk. Even though it is old still very helpful and has helped confirm our team’s decision on using WP as CMS and Laravel strictly as the Control/View layer.
    In the recent updates to API V2 do you see user management / authentication being possible strictly on the WP side or still needing to handle it natively in node (for your stack)?


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November 3, 2014

In January my team was looking for the best available Node.js content management system… and we picked WordPress! Our clients got all the benefits of WP’s content editing interface, and with the in-development REST API plugin we were able to use that content without limiting any of our other technology choices. This talk uses our project as a case study to share lessons we learned while building a Node client for the API, and why we’re so excited about what the next year holds for the evolution of WordPress as a content platform.

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WordCamp San Francisco 2014 59


K. Adam White 20


case study 33
Content Management 14


English 10534

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