Reid Peifer: Reimagining Content Creation

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October 26, 2015

While WordPress as a whole has evolved in amazing and powerful ways, the mechanics of content creation have stayed pretty static for years. Title field, TinyMCE Wysiwyg, metadata inputs, and a featured image. These elements have been our building blocks, all presented in a relatively unchanged WP admin experience. The future of WordPress is going to depend on how that experience evolves and grows to meet the needs of content creators.

We’re going to discuss the recent explosion of page builders, panels and modules, visual editors, customizers and front end editors. Lets take a look at the pros and cons. What does it mean for content creators, designers, and developers? Even better, lets talk about what the future holds. I’ll use specific examples of how we implemented modularized dynamic content and rich long form editorial creation on enterprise clients including Fortune 500 retailers and Ivy League institutions.

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WordCamp Vancouver 2015 13


Reid Peifer 7


Content Creation 56


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