Marc Benzakein: So You Want to Be a Freelancer

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April 21, 2016

“Ideas must work through the brains and arms of men, or they are no better than dreams” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

The time has come. You’ve put your nose to the grindstone and built your skill set to the point where you’re ready to take the plunge, put on the entrepreneur cap and become a freelancer. You’ll be free to make your own decisions, work your own hours, and work from anywhere, any time! At least that’s how it may seem.

And then . . . reality. Fear of loss of security, too much responsibility, too many commitments and not enough time. Suddenly you find you’re working for a couple bucks an hour and you’re ALWAYS busy. And before you know it, you’re working for peanuts and burning out and/or losing your sanity.

It’s an all too common story and one that most of us have been through at one point in time or another.

In my presentation, I will share tips that I’ve picked up through my own journey as a freelancer to help you manage your new career while avoiding most of the pitfalls associated with being a freelancer. I’ll share some of my successes, but as importantly, my failures in order for you to start and maintain a successful freelance business.

Presentation Slides »

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WordCamp Miami 2016 66


Marc Benzakein 9


Freelance 110


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