James Tien: PHP First to JavaScript First – The WordPress.com Story 〜WordPress.com (Calypso) が JavaScript ファーストを

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July 19, 2016

The Tale of Calypso – Why WordPress.com Chose JavaScript-First Approach.

“What would we build if we were starting from scratch today, knowing all we’ve learned over the past 13 years of building WordPress?” At the beginning of 2014, the folks at Automattic asked themselves this question. The result is what now known as Calypso. It is not only a product combining some latest web technology, but also the demonstration of what we see as the future of WordPress. In this session, we cover a brief history about the evolving of Calypso, how we chose our development stack, what we learned from it, and what potential it shows to us.

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WordCamp Kansai 2016 33


James Tien 1


Calypso 7
JavaScript 122
PHP 81
WordPress.com 37


Japanese/日本語 433

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