Alison Chandler: Typography – The Backbone of Your Website Design

2 responses on “Alison Chandler: Typography – The Backbone of Your Website Design

  1. zetaraffix

    how about the slide deck? otherwise this is a very tough talk to watch


  2. Ken Mick

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April 15, 2017

Choosing typefaces and applying them to your WordPress website can be frustrating, even designers go around and around about this. There are so many options and decisions to make—it’s hard to know where to begin. What gives?

You will learn the importance of typography in website design, how to choose font families, and tips for implementation. Armed with the basic understanding of typography and how it relates to the success of your website, you will be confident the choices you make will be based on more than a whim.

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WordCamp Atlanta 2017 43


Alison Chandler 2


Design 349
Typography 32


English 10534

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