Gene Hammett: Be THE Choice, Not Just a Choice…Just For WordPress Companies

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April 15, 2017

Sub-title: Stand Out in a Highly Competitive Market is the Future of Sales and Marketing

This is a straight shooting (no holding back) talk to help WordPress companies grow in the hugely competitive market segments they are in.

There is a mega trend impacting WordPress companies. It is the fight for ATTENTION. We all crave attention. Attention is the new business currency. Millions of messages come at us faster than ever before, and it confuses the average prospect.

If you are in a highly competitive service-based business like WordPress Developers and Designers, you want your message to be heard. No, wait…you NEED your message to be heard. It is what makes the difference between sustainable success and stagnation.

In this signature talk, Gene shows WordPress shops how to:
– Stand out from the white noise of the competition
– Build deep trust by establishing yourself as a credible expert
– Develop the mindset and skill set needed to move beyond your comfort zone and accelerate your personal and professional growth
– Dominate your market as the go-to authority in your field
– Create new action steps to increase your sales and bottom line profits

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WordCamp Atlanta 2017 43


Gene Hammett 3


Business Strategy 14


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