Maciej Swoboda: How To Create a Full Featured Demo Site For Your Plugins Or Themes

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June 13, 2017

If you are a plugin or theme developer you probably get many requests for a live demo. I would like to show you how you can create a full featured demo site for your clients based on WordPress Multisite, Gravity Forms and a bit of custom coding. It is easy and can be achieved in a few hours at most. I will show how to setup a demo site with WordPress Multisite, then create a form for the user to register. After the user registers he is automatically logged in to his own site that has been preset with some defaults. It is fully personalized for him and he can do anything there to test your plugins and themes. Frontend and backend. He also gets a nice welcome screen and an option to quickly contact you with any questions. After 24 hours his demo is deleted and he gets a follow up e-mail encouraging to buy your products. Disclaimer: I was inspired by a blog post by John Turner who covered the topic, however I went further and made the whole concept better.

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WordCamp Barcelona 2016 11


Maciej Swoboda 8


plug-ins 7


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