Petya Raykovska: WordPress Beyond Borders – Cross Cultural Communication and the Fundamentals of Caring

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June 22, 2017

Legends say languages were created to divide people who once spoke as one and aimed to reach high up to the gods. So the gods scattered them across the Earth and made them forget their common language, making sure too many of them couldn’t communicate effectively.

Eager to understand each other again, people struggled to remedy that by learning the languages others spoke. In the meantime religion, traditions, their own languages, and their personal beliefs evolved and took deep roots. Then the internet happened and, as it gave a platform for the world to communicate in from a distance, it added a new level of complexity.

Today WordPress is available globally, in many many languages, and is created globally – by people from all over the world. In theory, it has gone beyond borders. But does that mean that there are no walls?

Let’s talk about that.

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WordCamp Europe 2017 59


Petya Raykovska 34


Cross Cultural Communication 1


English 10531

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