Kristina Romero: The Low Stress/Low Risk Way To Update WordPress

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October 21, 2017

What’s the best way to update WordPress and plugins that causing the least amount of stress in your life and the lives of your clients? How often should it happen, what’s the process to best eliminate risk, and how much should you charge for website maintenance when doing it for others? (hint: it should be more than $50/m per site) I’ve been managing over 40 websites for the past three years and have seen it all. So much so that I created a process that my developer follows so I ensure high quality of work, in the least amount of time, reducing as much risk as possible as we update our client’s websites every month. I’ll go over my the step-by-step process, best practices and power tips so you can safely update your websites every month, or learn how to provide this as a service to clients.

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