Kevin Lydon: Increase your ROI with WooCommerce automation

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November 12, 2017

With more and more advanced integrations being possible for WooCommerce the ability to automate your online store and increase your sales productivity is only few clicks away. Automating processes like lost cart recovery, discounting, lead tracking, referral programs and reviews will have a direct impact on your ROI. With automation you can take a more hand offs approach to managing your store so you can put more focus on growing your business. In addition to having more time automation can also help you squeeze every last sale from your website with techniques such as lost cart recovery, exit intent, dynamic re-marketing and intelligent discounting. According Nucleus Research, businesses that use automation on average see a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead. Imagine what this could do for your business. Take the next step to growing your business and use the tools available for WooCommerce to make automation a reality.

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WordCamp Dublin 2017 28


Kevin Lydon 1


eCommerce 94
WooCommerce 235


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