Izzy Crouch: How to politely market your digital product

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February 19, 2018

This talk is aimed at anyone who is considering developing a digital product or SaaS, but will also be relevant to anyone wanting to learn more about marketing.

There is much information available on the internet about how to market a digital product, but a lot of it is terrifying to the average developer, involving techniques that can make your skin crawl just thinking about them. “Reaching out” and “going viral” may sound good in theory, but are near impossible to put into practice for anyone other than the most outgoing extroverts.

This talk will give you some “polite marketing methods” that are easy to put into practice and achieve results without having to undergo a full personality change.

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WordCamp Brighton 2017 15


Izzy Crouch 1


digital product 3
Marketing Plan 6
SaaS 26


English 10537

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