Ben Meredith: What Blues Guitar And Diapers Taught Me About WordPress Support

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May 9, 2019

In customer support, which is better, promptness or empathy?

What does playing guitar or changing diapers have to do with wowing customers and users? (It’s probably not what you think.)

How can your support go from “good” to “Amazing!!!@!”

In this talk, the Senior Support Technician for a growing, international WordPress plugin business which supports roughly 200 customers a week will show you how you can level up your support team using skills learned from foster (and biological) parenting, playing guitar, and five years of supporting both free and paid WordPress plugins.

We’ll cover:
– The most important driver of customer happiness in product support
– How to outsmart your own personality deficiencies to excel in empathy
– Something you can start doing today to immediately see results in email/ticket/forum support.

There’s no secret formula for success in support, but armed with the right tools, attitude, and training you can make WordPress better, one ticket at a time.

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