AmyJune Hineline: Checking Under the Hood – Auditing Your Website for a Smooth Ride

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November 17, 2020

We often talk about websites the way we talk about cars. Are you driving a flashy sports car or a stable hatchback? And is yours a lemon, no matter how pretty the paint job? And if you just got one used, what’s going on under the hood? There’s a way to address these questions about your website, and it’s called a technical audit. The vast majority of site owners live in fear of the day their site breaks down. Performing a site audit can ensure you understand the current state of your site, from the back end code level to the front end performance. It can also help you see potential problems when it comes time to add features (like that sweet audio system). People attending this session will learn the basic building blocks of performing a technical audit, including approaches for auditing different aspects of your site including custom code, theme and front-end functionality, back-end configuration and plugins, and accessibility. The session will also cover tools that can be used to run these tests and tips on what to watch for when managing a website over time.

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WordCamp Philadelphia 2020 14


AmyJune Hineline 9


website 116


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