Speakers: Erin Flynn

  • Erin Flynn: How to Map Your Client Onboarding

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Erin Flynn

    July 6, 2020 — Getting lost is frustrating. When you don’t know which way to go or what happens next, you get anxious and angry.
    That’s how your clients feel if your onboarding process is rough or confusing.
    And when they feel frustrated and anxious before the project even begins, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle to make them happy.
    In this talk I’ll walk you through how to onboard your clients successfully, so that they don’t get lost and you look like a professional.

  • Erin Flynn, Miles Kailburn, Nathan Ingram: The Business of Web Design and Development Townhall

    WordCamp Denver 2017Speakers: Erin Flynn, Miles Kailburn, Nathan Ingram

    October 13, 2017 — Many of us build website for clients – most of us even get paid for it…

    There is a lot of money in freelancing. There is also a lot of pain and frustration.

    Ever wish you could just ask someone how they did it? You can! Our panel has been there, done that, has the t-shirt, scars, and lessons learned to share with you.

    With any luck you can learn from their mistakes and avoid making a few of them yourself!

  • Erin Flynn: Raising Your Web Design Rates

    WordCamp Denver 2017Speaker: Erin Flynn

    October 8, 2017 — My first year in business, I made a whopping $12,000. Before taxes. You can bet I “celebrated” with a whole bottle of (cheap) wine and a lot of tears. I’d worked SO hard, only to feel like a failure. Five years later, and my rates have shot from $500/website, to over $10k/website. It’s possible, but it’s not an easy process. In my talk I break down how I improved my skills, created a better customer experience, and was able to raise my rates–and how others can too! It’s not all about code or design skills, the most overlooked soft-skills of customer service and communication played the biggest role in commanding higher prices. I want to help others utilize these skills so they can boost their prices too.