‘email marketing’ Videos

  • Lydia Roberts: Email Marketing in a Flash

    WordCamp Asheville 2016Speaker: Lydia Roberts

    July 22, 2016 — You might have a newsletter signup box sitting on your website, or maybe just a nagging feeling that you should send out a newsletter to your customers — but you’re afraid your efforts might be wasted. Learn some quick tips about email marketing and get the confidence to push Send! I’ll talk about what makes email marketing an amazing tool for business, and you’ll get tips for structuring your email marketing program to be useful for your customers instead of “just another newsletter” cluttering their inbox.

    Take aways:

    – Why email is relevant to you and your customers.
    – How to best take advantage of email.
    – Tips for improving your email list, layout, and sending habits.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Becs Rivett-Kemm: What’s my WordPress site’s email strategy?

    WordCamp Europe 2016Speaker: Becs Rivett

    July 3, 2016 — It’s easy to set up an email signup form on your WordPress site, but then what next? It’s all too easy to sit in front of a blank screen asking yourself “What do I say to my subscribers? I must contact them!” I’ll discuss how you can prepare for sending email newsletters your subscribes want to receive and generate ideas so you don’t get writer’s block.

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  • Antonio Felipe Martín Reyes: Protección de datos, email marketing y WordPress

    WordCamp Marbella 2016Speaker: Antonio Felipe Martín Reyes

    June 22, 2016 — Hacer un buen trabajo de email marketing es un reto para todos los profesionales y empresas. En esta ponencia veremos como conseguirlo: como incorporar la política de protección de datos, que plugins podemos usar, como podemos hacer crecer nuestra lista de suscriptores, como crear boletines de noticias y como analizar los resultados de los envíos. Así mismo veremos los diferentes servicios que nos ofrecen estas funcionalidades desde dentro y fuera de WordPress.

  • Wolfram Lührig: E-Mail Marketing mit WordPress

    WordCamp Nuremberg 2016Speaker: Wolfram Lührig

    April 18, 2016 — Welche Möglichkeiten haben wir, E-Mail Marketing in unsere Websites zu integrieren. Von der integrierten Lösung mit MailPoet bis zu externen Anbietern. Wie bindet man die Formulare ein, über Widgets, Shortcodes, eine Halo Bar oder als Popup. Welche rechtlichen Grundlagen müssen wir beachten und welche Hinweise anzeigen (Double-Opt-in-Verfahren, Serverstandort, Datenschutz).

  • Warren Denley: Email Marketing – The Secret Weapon To Grow Your Business

    WordCamp Brisbane 2015Speaker: Warren Denley

    October 2, 2015 — Getting the right people to your site is hard enough. And making a sale to first time visitors is nearly impossible. So you need a way to build a relationship with your visitors and keep them coming back to your site until they are ready to buy from you.
    You Need Email Marketing! Warren’s talk will cover:
    – Selecting an email provider.
    – Quick start guide to setting up your account and creating your first list.
    – Creating your email template.
    – Integrating your list with your site (collecting subscribers).
    – Communicating with your list.
    – Measuring, monitoring and improving your engagement.
    – Case studies – what works and what doesn’t.
    – Taking it further – segmentation and funnels.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Andrew Walsh: Building an Email List With Your WordPress Blog for Traffic, Revenue and Influence

    WordCamp Dayton 2015Speaker: Andrew Walsh

    July 18, 2015 — When successful bloggers are asked “what’s one thing you’d change if you could go back to the beginning?” the answer is very often “I should’ve built a list sooner!” This presentation will demonstrate why building an email list is one of the most powerful ways to grow your WordPress blog. It will cover the best plugins and services to use; tips on where and how to configure them on your blog; strategies for increasing conversions; and how to use your new list to drive visits, sales and conversations.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Becs Rivett: Wow With WordPress and Email Marketing

    WordCamp Europe 2015Speaker: Becs Rivett

    July 16, 2015 — WordPress users aren’t effectively using email marketing alongside their WordPress site to ensure successful signup and return visits from their communications. I show you some quick wins you can apply straightaway as well as some longer term email marketing strategy and planning advice.

  • Susan Seel: Newsletter-Tools – Möglichkeiten der individuellen Vorlagen-Gestaltungen

    WordCamp Cologne 2015Speaker: Susan Seel

    July 15, 2015 — Ein Newsletter für einen Kunden muss dessen CI-Richtilinien entsprechen und dem Kunden Variations-Spielraum lassen. Welche Möglichkeiten geben bekannte WP-Plugins (z.B. MailChimp, MailPoet) und welchen Gestaltungsfreiraum bieten externe Tools (Beispiel CleverReach).

    Susan präsentiert ein paar realistische Überlegungen am Beispiel eines aktiven Kunden-Newsletters. Anschliessend gibt es Platz für einen Erfahrungsaustausch.

  • Janet Barclay: How to Write Blog Posts That Get Results

    WordCamp Hamilton 2015Speaker: Janet Barclay

    June 19, 2015 — Do you feel like no one’s reading your blog but your mom and your best friend? Are you wondering whether blogging is really worth it? Learn powerful strategies to help you attract readers, encourage social sharing, and ultimately generate more business.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Becs Rivett: Implementing Email Marketing on Your WordPress Site

    WordCamp London 2015Speaker: Becs Rivett

    May 31, 2015 — Are you using email marketing or want to start using it with your WordPress site? In this talk I take you through why you should be using it, the options and availability of tools, content considerations and email best practice for positioning your signups and generally being a good email marketer.