‘Google’ Videos

  • Vineet Talwar: Google Core Web Vitals, Improving The Performance And Seo Of WordPress Websites for a Better User

    WordCamp Greece 2021Speaker: Vineet Talwar

    October 8, 2021 — Let’s talk about speed! One of the major factors leading to online frustration is a slow website. Users do not want to wait – and if you’re not careful, this can make you lose traffic before your page has loaded! As we all know, a dissatisfied user is worse than not having users at all! A better user experience is the driver behind Google’s anticipated Core Web Vitals update, which focuses on loading, interactivity, and visual stability of a website. This talk mainly deals with how you can speed up your WordPress website and make it faster for users, thus improving their conversions, importantly before Core Web Vitals come into force. We’ll start by looking at website hosting, latency and DNS, and then discuss how you can optimize the performance of your WordPress website. Solutions will be for all sort of users, from beginner to advanced, and for different hosting scenarios. Further discussion will be about different performance optimization strategies like cutting down your queries, tweaking the code base, caching mechanism, use of cloud services, scaling up/forward and so on. All this together shall help a newbie or even someone who has their website slow and frustrating for users, faster and better optimized. Thus, saving their day and being ready for Google’s update in May 2021!

  • Ángel Rodríguez: El texto que emocionó a Google

    WordCamp Granada 2019Speaker: Ángel Rodríguez

    December 14, 2019 — Muchos hablan de qué quieren los usuarios pero… ¿Qué quiere Google?

    Si quieres que tu web aparezca en Google tienes que hacer 2 cosas: Aportar valor a los usuarios y darle a Google lo que quiere. Qué es valioso para tus usuarios tienes que saberlo tú pero qué es lo que quiere Google lo vas a aprender hoy aquí.

    Escribir contenidos SEO optimizados es más facil de lo que parece y solo hace falta saber las bases y luego practicar. Aunque Google cada vez es más listo no deja de tener una serie de factores de posicionamiento que veremos en esta sesión.

    Además, también veremos conceptos básicos y avanzados de SEO, trucos, hacks, tips de cómo escribir contenidos SEO optimizados.

    Una vez que los domines, escribirás contenidos como un profesional para llegar a lo más alto de Google.

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  • Stéphane Jambu: Aidons Google à consommer moins d’électricité

    WordCamp Bordeaux 2019Speaker: Stéphane Jambu

    June 3, 2019 — Depuis plusieurs années, Google déploie une série de filtres supplémentaires à son algorithme de base : Panda, Pingouin, Pigeon, Colibri, etc. A ce ceci, s’est ajouté Rankbrain, à savoir une couche d’intelligence artificielle.

    Google justifie ces évolutions par l’amélioration de la qualité de ses résultats de recherche. En réalité, la firme fait la guerre à l’infobésité sur le web en limitant le spam pour baisser ses charges en électricité.

    Voyons comment nous pouvons nous inscrire efficacement dans cette tendance avec WordPress, en exploitant au mieux ce que nous permet Google, tout en nous inscrivant dans le grand bain du web, ultra-concurrentiel par nature.

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  • Gennaro Cuofano: Ok Google, fai parlare i miei contenuti! Fare SEO ai tempi della ricerca vocale

    WordCamp Rome 2018Speaker: Gennaro Cuofano

    April 16, 2019 — Nell’era della ricerca vocale, i contenuti assumono forme diverse. Oggi entrare sulla prima pagina di Google non è il mindset vincente.

    Per fare in modo che Google faccia parlare i tuoi contenuti devi pensare in maniera strategica. Non importa se hai un piccolo blog e stai cercando di competere con siti già autorevoli e affermati.

    Con tanta sperimentazione anche tu potrai far parlare i tuoi contenuti! Nella talk Gennaro ti farà vedere come usare il “SEO Hacking” per posizionare i tuoi contenuti nell’assistente vocale di Google.

  • Teia Atkins: The Art of Stealing

    WordCamp D.C. 2017Speaker: Teia Atkins

    November 16, 2017 — My first year as a developer I felt like all I did was ask google to do my work for me. And now almost 5 years later I am a WordPress theme developer. The art of stealing explains how I began my career tinkering with pre written code to writing my own widgets, plugins and themes. Research, copy, paste and repeat was my methodology and one anybody can adopt.

  • Juan Felipe Rincón: Managing your online presence on Google Search

    WordCamp Dublin 2017Speaker: Juan Felipe Rincón

    November 11, 2017 — Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling more than three billion searches each day. In this session, you will learn how you can optimize your WordPress site for users and to be compatible with Google search engine. You will learn how search work, be given tips on how to do well on search and explore tools that Google offers which you can use to manage your online presence on Google Search, along with WordPress specific best practices. This session is suitable for website or business owners as well as web developers who want to learn more about your website presence on Google organic search.

  • Nile Flores: Google Quality Guidelines 101 for WordPress Bloggers

    WordCamp Chicago 2017Speaker: Nile Flores

    August 31, 2017 — Google is always changing up it’s algorithms. It’s not because Google wants to keep you on your toes, but Google wants you to put your best foot forward.

    In order to do that, they’ve put together Quality Guidelines and have started to enforce them. So… what does that mean for the website owner?

    I’m going to go over a checklist of things you should be doing with your WordPress blog. Some of it is about site speed, security, and content. Hopefully this checklist will help you understand what you should be doing for your website.

  • Mike Hale: Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress

    WordCamp Ann Arbor 2016Speaker: Mike Hale

    January 6, 2017 — Google is pushing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in a big way. AMP pages restrict what you can do all for the sake of performance on mobile devices. In this talk we’ll cover the basics of AMP, how it’s different than mobile-ready and responsive design, and the plugins you’ll need to take advantage of AMP on your WordPress site.

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  • Maile Ohye: A View From Google – The Latest in Google And Google

    WordCamp US 2016Speaker: Maile Ohye

    December 11, 2016 — Hear Google’s latest stats on searcher and mobile trends, as well as how we’re trying to connect searchers with good content. I hope to share knowledge that will help the WP community make the best decisions for their platform.