Floor Drees: Working Towards Great Version Control for Content Creators

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December 11, 2013

As someone who writes with other people, I often encounter the same problem: you either email tiny changes to your article to the one who’s ultimately responsible for the website, which is bound to go wrong. Or you log into your CMS, make some changes to your piece and save it, while one of the other editors does the exact same thing, just using another shiny laptop. Changes get lost. Stuff gets added twice and you end up frustrated because the preview doesn’t reflect your work. Now this is annoying as it is, but if you program a bit on the side (like I do) and you use version control, you know that there is a solution for that. For WordCamp, I’ll gather my thoughts on what would make a great version control tool for WordPress and test existing plugins by these requirements.

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WordCamp Europe 2013 28


Floor Drees 1


Content Creation 56
version control 23


English 10534

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