Drew Jaynes: Setting Up WordPress – A NUX Case Study

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July 14, 2015

Once you’ve installed WordPress, what now? For new users, that’s just one of a multitude of inevitable questions. What’s a post? A page? A theme? Where should I start first? In a short attention-span world, first impressions are everything, and WordPress is making it harder than it needs to be for new users.
There’s a case to be made for helping to guide users through the process of post-install set up. In fact, there’s user testing data that makes the case for us.
The goal of this talk is to examine that test data – taken against existing and potential wp-admin flows – and form conclusions about how WordPress can get out of its own way to improve the new user experience. We’ll talk about solutions that exist in the community right now, and opportunities to get involved in reshaping WordPress’ first impressions.

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WordCamp Europe 2015 41


Drew Jaynes 10


onboarding 12
setup 4
User Experience 92


English 10531

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