Aaron Ware: Empowering your Clients and Being an Advocate for You

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August 3, 2016

One of the biggest challenges any business owner, freelancer, project manager or customer support expert comes across is gaining trust of their potential and current clients.

Within this session I will be sharing insights into clearly establishing project plans for yourself and clients; with the over arching goal to stay organized and hold each other accountable. I will be speaking about pitfalls of going too far out of your comfort zone or taking on projects that aren’t “”quite right””. I’ll touch on jumping into Higher Education, E-Commerce, Online Publications and simply taking on your first big project.

Lastly I’ll provide examples of scenarios that have and have not worked for myself and my team in relation to educating our clients to get the most out of WordPress by getting into the WordPress dashboard and feel comfortable to take ownership of their content and their website because you’ve got their back!

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WordCamp Boston 2016 37


Aaron Ware 6


Advocate 1
Clients 43


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