Adding categories and tags to your posts

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44 responses on “Adding categories and tags to your posts

  1. Youseph

    I have been struggling with understanding tags for the longest time. This was very helpful to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sister Julie

    This is a very clear discription of the difference between the two and how to effectively select words for tags. Thanks.


  3. emzis

    Great vid 🙂
    I’m still missing a quick and easy function for putting cathegorys to a static page. I’ve tried to follow some instgructions in the forum by putting the link with the cathegory as the title of the page, without any sucess. Looking forward to a smooth solution to that.

    But anhyhows, great thing with the vids. Keep it up!


  4. Chad

    Finally! Tags now make sense. I don’t have enough posts yet to make this useful but I will now go back and make tags for all of my posts for future use so I don’t have to go back and make tags on 100 posts later.

    Thank You WordPress TV.


  5. terrehoute

    I am about to be a first time blogger. Your tutorial was easy to comprehend. I appreciate the help. It gives me more confidence!


  6. pathwaytoanamazinglife

    The video is not playing, is there something I need to be doing?


    • Michael Pick

      It seems to be playing here – might be worth clearing your browser cache or checking that your browser settings are not blocking flash/javascript


  7. Glenda Ainsworth

    How do I add categories to pages – not posts?


  8. Cowboy Bill

    I’ve been trying for an hour now to find the Category Post. Need some help here, please. The video — though I’m on roadrunner, etc. — interrupts every few seconds and is very hard to follow for that reason. Please put a sort of index on the main support page where words such as “setting categories” can be links to some specific 1, 2, 3 instructions.

    Thank you


  9. simplycreatebeauty

    What about a “sticky tag” what does “Sticky” mean?


  10. billx

    having trouble using my instructor’s blog(laura). Cannot figure out how to add tag to post. Video shows different interface than what I see. Video makes sense, but it does not match what I see. Been maucking about with this feature for too long now. Help. Thank you.


    • Michael Pick

      I’m not sure who your instructor is, but it could be that she needs to upgrade to the most recent version of WordPress? Even with older versions, however, you should see a box (usually to the right hand side of the post editor in the Write Post view) for Tags. To add tags to your post, write them in the space provided, separating them with commas and that should see you fit.


  11. Arhammar

    Nice video! Bur I have a problem that i can´t solve.
    Im trying to add 5000 plus tags (They are words that no longer are used in sweden), but there seems to be a limit om how many tags you can have in wordpress?


  12. equalcouples

    I have tags that turn up in my list of posts on my dashboard, but they never show up on the post on the screen. How do I get them onto the actual post that people see. My categories are on the sidebar. I’m using a theme from the wordpress list, not the deault one. Would that make any difference. Anne


    • Ryan Markel

      Whether or not tags show up alongside a post is determined by the theme itself—they can be included, or they can be left out. If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress blog and would like additional assistance with this, your best bet is to go to the support forums and ask your question there.


  13. Sun Sunich

    Good explanation for those not in the know.

    I experience some problems. I add categories, but when I click on one under one of the posts in my blog the system thinks its a tag and directs me to

    The only category that seems to be working right is the default ‘Uncategorized’

    Am I the only one experiencing the same problem?
    Could be a bug, team.


    • Ryan Markel

      Both tags and categories where they appear with posts direct readers to the global tag pages, to help readers find similar content across It’s working as intended.

      Categories and tags function within your blog when they are utilized in the sidebar widgets designed for them.


  14. labonneviveuse

    Thanks for the video. Still confused one point. Do tags on a blog help Web users to find our blogs?


  15. Seth

    thanks for the video. one question though. I want to have my sub-categories drop down from my parent categories. How do I do that?



  16. Adrian

    How do I get my tags to appear in the actual post? Right now only my categories appear.


  17. Seth Dominguez

    Is there a way to organize sub-categories? It seems to automatically do so alphabetically… Thanks!


  18. yuliyanilssen

    Thanks! It was very helpful. But I have a problem:( I created a categorie and now I don’t want it, how can I remove it? Thanks


  19. brigitteionis

    I kind of understood tags but thought they were only words that might be used in searches but now I get it!! Thanks so much a very good teacher you are.


  20. icingontheangelfoodcake

    This total beginner thanks you very much.


  21. mummyinahurry

    I have been trying to work out what tags are, and how to use them for the past week. Watching this, the penny dropped! Thankyou


  22. feifei91

    Thanks a lot!!! Now I know what’s the difference between these two. 😀


  23. Earth

    How do I reorder my pages tabs at the top of my page? Where do I go to to find this facility? When set to zero it is in alphabetical order but I have tried putting in page 1 in the box but there is no change to the order…I have 4 or 5 pages. Sorry but I need absolute step by step guidance not being computer literate…
    Many thanks, Graham


  24. Earth

    Just found the page area again and tried again and it worked!…no worries, Graham


  25. Audrey

    Thanks for all your tips. I now have a better understanding of what to do with categories and tags.


  26. vandanahr2gmailcom

    This is so useful.Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. atlaschaman

    it was useful. I wish you could update your content.


  28. sepehrsoule

    Thank you for your efforts. You know that your site is great


  29. sepid

    thank you


Continue the discussion


January 14, 2009

Categories and tags help to organize the content in your blog, and make it easier for people to navigate through to find what they’re looking for. In this short video, we’ll take a look at how to add and manage both

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Michael Pick 116


Categories 21
Tags 17


English 10581
