Sam Brodie: How to Build a 7-Figure Productized Design Agency

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August 16, 2017

Are you having trouble growing your freelancing business into a full-blown agency? I was too! The average web design business has 1.4 employees which means the vast majority are solo-preneurs. In other words, it’s hard to grow a web design business!

But in 2013, I made a few significant changes to my strategy that paid off big and allowed me to go from struggling freelancer to 7-figure acquisition in just 3 years – starting from scratch with a completely new brand.

In this presentation you’ll learn:

The benefits of selecting a niche (niching up has many marketing and sales advantages)
How to position yourself in the market (decisions on what services you offer and your pricing have a huge effect)
How to productize your service for maximum efficiency (increasing your efficiency allows you to scale)
Acquisition “gotchas” (do you know the best entity structure for a web design agency acquisition?)

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