Tom Shapiro: Doubling Your WordPress Site Conversions

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October 12, 2017

After investing so much time, effort, and resources in developing your WordPress website and marketing your brand, it can be frustrating if you are not achieving a high number of conversions on your website.

Tom Shapiro will walk you through effective techniques to get more of your site visitors converting. Some of the techniques will focus on behavior-based data gleaned from heat maps, scroll maps, and A/B testing, while others will focus on messaging, neuromarketing, and human psychology, while yet others will focus on color, design, and UX (user experience) elements. Whether you are looking to sell more on your website, increase leads, promote an upcoming event, build your email list, or drive site visitors to another type of conversion event, you’ll walk away from this session with highly specific methods for increasing your website’s conversion rates.

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WordCamp Rhode Island 2017 19


Tom Shapiro 7


website 116


English 10537

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