Vineet Talwar: Progressive Web Apps: The future of Mobile Apps

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August 2, 2019

Vineet found his love for WordPress after he was introduced to it by a friend. This led him to develop numerous websites and making him want to crave for more to learn in WordPress. He has been associated with WordPress since 2012. He co-founded his first company at the age of 20. He is the Co-Founder and Technical Lead of FireMud FM, which is an online radio station based purely out of WordPress. and Indicium Crest – A remote web – development agency which is, again focused on WordPress. Now handing both the companies on technical front, his love for WordPress has just grown if nothing else. He has worked with over 55 projects remotely managing and developing them. He has also been associated with various ventures consulting and guiding them with technical resources and is currently located in Frankfurt, Germany.
Apart from developing the websites, he is a hobbyist photographer.

The topic of Vineet’s presentation is “Progressive Web Apps: The future of Mobile Apps“

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WordCamp Bucharest 2018 14


Vineet Talwar 12


Mobile 52
Mobile App 3
Progressive Web Apps 8


English 10545

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