John Connelly: Knowing the Digital Spectrum – What I Should’ve Known, What I Wish I Knew and What I Know Now

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July 6, 2020

So you want to be in control of your own destiny? You want to call the shots and be independent? So did I. And I am now-keyword ‘now.’
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes initiative, learning, perseverance, awareness, humility, risk and, most importantly, confidence.
This 20-minute, maybe 15-minute talk to give ample time for questions, is designed to expose you to the real world of WordPress design, development and marketing. I wish I heard this talk when I embarked on my new endeavor. In 20 minutes, I am going to tell you everything you need to know and do to succeed in this line of work. How can I do that in 20 minutes, you ask? Simple. I’m going to give you keys. You find the doors and it’s up to you to unlock those doors.

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WordCamp Denver 2020 32


John Connelly 1


Design 349
Development 392
Marketing 204


English 10532

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