Morten Rand-Hendriksen: Empathy and Acceptance in Design and Community

3 responses on “Morten Rand-Hendriksen: Empathy and Acceptance in Design and Community

  1. Luis Rull

    Reblogged this on pruebas de wordpress and commented:
    Empatía… esa gran cualidad


  2. Agnes Bury

    Great to see this video online already! I missed that one at WCEU and was told that it had been so interesting. Thanks a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. evelyn powers

    With everything that just happened in America this week, all I can say is “timely”.
    Thank you for your insights Morten.


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June 29, 2016

Working on and with the web is engaging in that most human of endeavors: Communication. Even so, it’s easy to forget that the people we interact with and those who access and interact with our creations are just that: People. Learn how to make empathy and acceptance driving forces for your interactions and designs to build great informational experiences for everyone.

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WordCamp Europe 2016 73


Morten Rand-Hendriksen 21


Acceptance 1
Communication 37
Design 349
Empathy 2
User Experience 92


English 10532

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