Cody Landefeld: How Your WooCommerce Store Can Compete With Amazon and Win!

One response on “Cody Landefeld: How Your WooCommerce Store Can Compete With Amazon and Win!

  1. lewiscowles2015

    Why is everyone also missing that you have to give a multi-faceted browsing and search experience?

    This IMO is the only thing Amazon does well at a single brand level, they enable customers to specify the metrics that empower them to make informed decisions (and sadly they seem to be losing that).


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October 27, 2016

Approaching e-commerce without giving consideration to Amazon is paramount to eating your lunch in the tiger cage at the local zoo. That’s not to say it can’t be done—because it can. You just need to be very clear about your strategic planning and what creates your competitive advantage. We will touch on these topics for store owners to help differentiate and win!

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WordCamp Phoenix 2016 33


Cody Landefeld 11


Amazon 5
eCommerce 94
Strategy 24
web strategy 11
WooCommerce 235


English 10537

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