‘content strategy’ Videos

  • Larry Swanson: DIY Content Strategy

    WordCamp Seattle 2018Speaker: Larry Swanson

    December 30, 2019 — WordPress agencies and freelance designers and developers can improve their client’s website projects by incorporating content-strategy best practices into their workflows. Anyone who has built more than one website has developed a good array of content strategy skills. I’ll show how to plug those skills into a proven framework for crafting an actionable, state-of-the-art website content strategy. If you’ve ever used “lorem ipsum” copy as you struggled to extract content from your client the day before launch, this talk is for you.

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  • Rodolfo Melogli: The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing

    WordCamp Rome 2017Speaker: Rodolfo Melogli

    April 24, 2018 — In 5 years of creating content on my WordPress website I’ve seen it all.

    During the first 2 years I wasted time and energy to write blogs no one would read. Then I found my inspiration, my path, my content strategy – and in the last 3 years website traffic has risen from 0 to 15,000+ users per week. Now my blog is my only source of sales leads.

    In this presentation, I’ll first and foremost describe what mistakes I made (what about saving 2 years of your life?) and then I’ll proceed to list the “10 Commandments of Content Marketing” – 10 simple tips you can take away to increase your website traffic and focus on the only purpose of content marketing: teaching.

    In the final part of the talk, each commandment will be “translated” into WordPress. I will recommend plugins and WordPress strategies to implement the whole system – in fact, I’d consider this a failure unless you go back to your office and take action!

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  • Matteo Cassese: Blogga come Hollywood

    WordCamp Rome 2017Speaker: Matteo Cassese

    April 23, 2018 — La tua content strategy è a prova di star system? Analizziamo insieme le best practice dell’industria culturale nell’ambito del content marketing: partendo da casi concreti, cercheremo di capire come generare contenuti efficaci per il tuo blog, diffonderli sul web e renderli rilevanti.

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  • Tori Peterson and Rebecca Wyatt: Decentralized Content Strategy For The National Park Service

    WordCamp D.C. 2017Speakers: Tori Peterson, Rebecca Wyatt

    November 21, 2017 — The National Park Service’s Common Learning Portal allows members of the NPS workforce to find formal training, informal learning resources, and communities of learning all in one website. Due to the decentralized culture of the National Park Service, educational content for the portal comes from a vast network of subject matter experts and learning and development professionals.

    Members of the NPS workforce who contribute to the varied Content Teams have many goals for doing so – ranging from an online platform to advertise formal training, to a collaborative work group facilitating organizational culture change.

    In the workshop you will:
    – See a demonstration of the WordPress features which The National Park Service has implemented to support decentralized content teams.
    – Hear about the robust training initiative which NPS staff successfully implemented to support a custom technical training and content strategy for each content team.
    – Discuss the benefits to engaging decentralized content teams as it pertains to platform adoption and organizational change management.

  • Evren Kiefer: Content Strategy Tools For WordPress Projects

    WordCamp Geneva 2016Speaker: Evren Kiefer

    June 21, 2017 — Great texts, photographs and/or videos are the foundation upon which websites stand. However, we start our projects by obsessing over which plugins and themes are the best. We leave the content uncared for: it is always someone else’s problem. Until it delays the project… the launch… the payment.

    Content strategy tools help teams be successful and stay on track long after launch with timely and valuable content. In this talk, you’ll learn how to:

    > create a strategic statement with clients or colleagues
    > create content models and templates to help clients or colleagues write faster.
    > establish a workflow and start an editorial calendar

  • Joe Duffin: Wireframing For Content – How To Develop a Content Strategy For WordPress Websites

    WordCamp St. Louis 2017Speaker: Joe Duffin

    March 29, 2017 — Overview
    Increase agency efficiencies, reduce development headaches and get clients on board early by creating low-fidelity wireframes to describe content architecture. Learn the tactics and tools to streamline your content architecture process.

    Knowledge/experience level
    Beginner to intermediate WordPress experience. Basic familiarity with development and implementation of pages, custom post types, fields and taxonomies.

    Takeaways Attendees will learn
    – How to use low-fidelity wireframes to inform development of site content types, components, taxonomy and technology.
    – How to leverage content architecture wireframes for client training and content entry.
    – How to gain client approval on content architecture to streamline development

  • Gary Leland: Podcasting – Should It Be Part of Your Content Strategy

    WordCamp Dallas / Fort Worth 2016Speaker: Gary Leland

    November 2, 2016 — Podcasting was created 12 years ago, and is considered one of the fastest growing medias available. You do not have to be a seasoned audio pro to take advantage of what podcasting can add to your media mix. Find out what Podcasting is all about, and if you should consider using it to grow your business.

    Podcasting Hall of Famer, Gary Leland, gives you a behind the scenes look at the benefits and gives you information about using podcasting in your content strategy.

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  • Chris Lema: The Buyer’s Journey – a Content Strategy for Your Blog or Business Website

    WordCamp Oklahoma City 2016Speaker: Chris Lema

    September 23, 2016 — Everyone tells you to write more. No one tells you what to write. Or more importantly, how to be helpful. Chris articulates a strategy that allows him to help others – a strategy that you can copy for yourself – on your blog or business site.

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  • Jamie Schmid: Content Doesn’t Grow on Trees – An Introduction to Content Strategy

    WordCamp Toronto 2015Speaker: Jamie Schmid

    January 11, 2016 — “Content is EVERYBODY’s problem: it’s a problem for the content creator, and a problem for the developer. Without content, there is no website. Without the website there is no client. Yet.. how is it content always gets left for last? In this talk I will teach you the core practices of the field known as Content Strategy.Truly thinking “Content First” from the beginning will completely transform your workflow and give everyone a grasp on creating, managing and structuring content, in time and on budget. Get started on this process early so you have enough time to write engaging, thoughtful content and get it published on time.

    This talk is equally valuable for content creators, agencies and freelancers alike. Everyone wants to avoid the horror situation of scrambling to get content together two days before going live. It’s a nightmare for the author and a nightmare for the developer to implement. Learn how to integrate Content Strategy into your entire web process, resulting in quality content, organized and delivered on-time.”

    Learning Outcomes:

    – Understand and communicate the value of content as a true business asset.
    – Organize your site build process around real content, not lorem ipsum.
    – Better identify the organization’s content requirements to build a stronger CMS architecture.
    – Build a content calendar to ensure your company/client is able to stay on top of content needs throughout the site build process and beyond.
    – Set yourself apart from the competition by offering Content Strategy services to your clients.

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  • Liz Hannaford: Developing Your Content Strategy

    WordCamp Manchester 2015Speaker: Liz Hannaford

    December 18, 2015 — So you’ve got a blog, chosen a great-looking theme, added some plug-ins. Now you “just” need to write some content that people are going to want to read and share with their network. That means having a content strategy. It doesn’t have to be complicated but you need to think about that strategy every time you sit down to write a blog post. I’ll be drawing on journalistic skills to help you devise your own content strategy including:- – Deciding what to write about. And when. And where. And how. – Making it easier for people to find your content. – Engaging with your target audience